- 帕拉纳曼科-(1987)-Paranamanco
- 雨中哭喊-(1989)-Crying in the Rain
- 冰冻的红_yi主教-(1987)-The Frozen Cardinal
- 恋爱中的瑞秋-(1987)-Rachel in Love
- 共享空气-(1984)-Sharing Air
- 史瓦西半径-(1987)-Schwarzschild Radius
- 地狱中的万千色相-(1987)-All the Hues of Hell
- 真空态-(1988)-Vacuum States
- 两只小鸟-(1980)-Two Small Birds
- 燃烧的天空-(1989)-Burning Sky
- 梦醒之前-(1989)-Before I Wake
- 死亡是静止,死亡是运动-(1990)-Death Is Static Death Is Movement
- 鼠脑-(1989)-The Brains of Rats
- 戈耳工兽-(1993)-Gorgonoids
- 职位空缺:耶稣基督-(1992)-Vacancy for the Post of Jesus Christ
- 属于万物的宇宙-(1993)-The Universe of Things
- 雷莫拉人-(1994)-The Remoras
- 捉鬼游戏的标准-(1994)-The Ghost Standard
- 残余的悍妇密码系统-(1995)-Remnants of the Virago Crypto-System
- 亚历克斯是如何变成一台机器的-(1996)-How Alex Became a Machine
- 诗云-(2002)-The Poetry Cloud
- 你一生的故事-(1998)-Story of Your Life
- 拾荒犬-(1998)-Craphound
- 斯林克斯-(2007)-The Slynx
- 儿童玩偶-(2002)-Baby Doll